Its not likeeveryone does it
here, in the us, we go to the "bathroom".
am i taking a bath?
we either poop or pee.. when we go to canada, we go to the "washroom".
Its not likeeveryone does it
we don’t get many invitations to congregational social gatherings.
we don’t attend midweek meetings and miss about 1/3 of sunday meetings.
we go in service at least once a month.
Bright side: no watching a skit, no singing kingdom songs, no loose bowels
There are those who only attend and scarf all the food they can
excuse the translation to english not being perfect ,.
barbara anderson.
33 mins · .
Can the court force association? This is a slippery slope because then they can dictate all our lives.
As for the rest, he will be shunned as the troublemaker, get no parts, or be called on. It may cause a few to think but will not change things for the rank and file.
My bet is he walks away after having made his point
Extended family should ABSOLUTELY accept and love members. Not that that can be enforced.
If the behavior is bad protect the child. It is no different than saying stupid, fat, ugly, smelly. The worst is rejecting someone because they do not carry your genes
we got a local talk.
keep away from outside influences, and marginal witnesses(me?).
keep up prayer, study, all that.
The talk at my hall i dont think mentioned work functions, but it is hard to pay full attention. There are some kids who got into trouble according to rumor from an elders wife. Maybe announcements will follow. They did not mention any realistic way to deal with the lack of marriage partners, just pray and watch a video.
I am a marginal witness: low hours, watch violent r movies, do not want to reach out. I openly scoff at the go bag scenario saying we will actually be as well off or better relying on neighbors and " worldly" resources.
when you hear that the polls say.... do you really believe it??.
i think polls can be and often are skewered.
i don’t trust them..
I seldom participate so that skews the results. If you look at the wording the questions are leading to the conclusion they want; usually yes or no.
Polls often are used to gauge the populace so lies can be tailored to lull the masses.
More information please. We do not know the races involved, nor the comments. Are they about racial traits or cultural preferences; or derogatory things?
i'm not sure who wrote the following article, but it bears repeating: (please take the credit if it was you.).
solid proof for 1914.
"as evidence of their falsehoods, look at the timing for armageddon.
You can prove it with pyramidology. No need to obfuscate with 0 year; that fits with the century and decade debate
reaction of state secretary and arguments of judge about report jw abuse in the netherlands.
minister dekker: report on jehovah's sketches "extremely worrying" picture
the report on the extent of sexual abuse within the community of jehovah's witnesses paints an extremely worrying picture.
Closed community? Say it ain't so
this was a comment from the meeting(tm) on sunday.. the person that told me about it, is very confused about the validity of the corporation.
somewhere between a pimo and a pimi-lite.
the thing that angered me was that this person has cancer.
I am not rebelling against god. There may be some who do and put themselves ( and OPINIONS) in his place